Christen Bennett

Sen. Bernie Sanders ignites the Columbia, S.C., crowd with his aggressive “Time to Change” speech the day before the election. The rally was moved to a city park that held more people than the original space. The larger location accommodates his massively diverse following of college students, minorities, elderly and the LGBTQ community. Photo © Christen Bennett

Every four years, the South Carolina presidential primaries bring together politicians, business owners, working class voters and college students, to name a few. Citizens embrace the attention by packing living rooms, gymnasiums and city parks to listen to candidates’ stump speeches.

Christen Bennett

I am a 29-year-old senior from Taylors, S.C., focusing on a career path in photojournalism.  Redefining how stories are told through imagery has inspired me to take every moment captive. My peers and I compared our experience covering the primaries to a scavenger hunt as we searched to get a head start on candidates.  However, those calls did allow me to get a selfie with Joe Biden and some close shots of Elizabeth Warren working the crowd. 

View Christen’s work on COVID-19.