CAMDEN, S.C. – At the start of the morning the sun begins to rise at 6:23 a.m., cars pulling into setup for the start of a fun filled day ahead. Let the 87th Carolina Cup begin! As we approach the stables, we see horses named Yankee Doodle Boy and Eve City getting a morning stretch in before the big races. I noticed a driver who own a trucking business named “Leo’s Horse Transportation”, in which he owned for 7 years. He states “I can’t get away from them, even if I wanted too. I just love the smell and interreacting with them.”
A few hours later, the crowd starts to pull in to start the day filled with exquisite food, family fun, and of course horse racing. As I walked around, I saw people decorating their sections with elaborate decorations and walking with extravagant outfits and hats on. Soon after, the races began to start, during this time I decided to adventure out and see what was happening in the crowd. Momentarily I saw family of guitarist Danny Massalon, Leo Prince, Matt Cassedy, and the singer Melissa Delatoree playing and singing “Angel from the Gun Ring”. As I waited for race 4 to start, I looked around seeing people enjoying the moments with family and friends; playing football, smoking cigars, dancing, eating, and appreciating each other presence. After, the sound alarms the horses came out to begin racing. After the last races, I sat by a tree to get a photo of how whipped, dusty, and tired we look after a long day of taking photos, getting to know people, and most importantly: learning. This was the best experience I could have ever taken during my time here a USC Columbia.

De’Andrea Cobb
My name is De’Andrea Cobb, and I am a senior visual communications major graduating in Spring 2022. I have always loved photography and making videos, but in 2019 I started taking it more seriously. Not too long ago I purchased my own camera which is a Sony A73. https://dncobb.myportfolio.com/work